Are you thinking BIG enough and SMALL enough?
Are you thinking BIG enough? A client of mine died recently and I went to visit him in hospital a few days before he passed away. George described himself as a ‘late starter’ in that he set up his first business at the age of 56 which is when a lot of people are thinking …
Do you want to sell your business one day?
Here’s something you may not know if you want to sell your business sometime in the future, and almost certainly don’t know how to deal with… More than 87% of small businesses that are offered for sale NEVER sell. That’s right – they end up being closed for good because nobody wants them. And that …
Do you really understand motivation?
Motivation is so often thought of as something you have done to you, or you do to yourself to get you moving, usually in the direction of achieving your goals. But motivation comes from the word ‘motive’ (reason). Your motivation comes from you motive, ‘YOUR WHY’, your reason for wanting to achieve your goals. Doesn’t that …
Networking: What do you say when someone ask what do you do?
You’ve honed your networking elevator pitch to perfection. You’ve practiced delivering it in front of the mirror, with your colleagues, with your partner, and you’re word perfect. You’ve just arrived at your networking event. If you’re like most people I know, you simply cannot wait for a total stranger to walk up to you and …
Networking: What do you say when someone ask what do you do? Read More »
Big Hairy Audacious Goals…
I’ve spent most of my career helping companies and individuals to increase their sales and profits massively. That’s exciting. But would you wake up early, excited and in a rush to get going if all you had to look forward to as a result of all your extra studying and effort was to increase your …
Is Making Decisions Sometimes Difficult
Do you sometimes find it difficult to make a decision, and sit on the fence? We often fail to make progress in life and in business because we postpone our actions until we are certain we can make the ideal decision. We may research all the facts, consider every detail, ignore our ‘gut feeling’ and …