Is Making Decisions Sometimes Difficult

Do you sometimes find it difficult to make a decision, and sit on the fence? We often fail to make progress in life and in business because we postpone our actions until we are certain we can make the ideal decision. We may research all the facts, consider every detail, ignore our ‘gut feeling’ and very often we get stuck on that fence. Here’s how I handle my decision making and get off the fence fast, because nothing ever happens whilst I am sitting there, except maybe I get a few splinters in my rear end. It’s a simple 3 stage process … 1. I write down the best thing/s that can happen if I do it. 2. I write down the worst thing/s that can happen if I do it. 3. I write down the most likely thing/s that will happen if I do it. And then I immediately make the decision to do it – or dump it. Could that work for you too? PS Your choice does not need to be a permanent one. If you find the path you chose is not working out for you for whatever reasons, you can always choose another. But always move on. Make decisions and avoid the splinters.

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