I’ve spent most of my career helping companies and individuals to increase their sales and profits massively. That’s exciting.
But would you wake up early, excited and in a rush to get going if all you had to look forward to as a result of all your extra studying and effort was to increase your sales or profits by 5 or 10 percent? Would you stay up late planning, researching and studying, just to achieve so little?
I don’t think so.
What you need is a Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal.
A goal that will get you up early in the morning and excited to get started. A goal that will keep you motivated and inspired throughout the day, and possibly even up late at night planning to make the next day even more successful.
So, do you have a BHAG for 2024?
If you do not, how about creating one and make 2024 your best year ever.
PS: The bigger your commitment to your goals, the greater the results will be.
Thinking big doesn’t cost you anything. The universe will only give you what you’re not prepared to give up on.
And if you need help achieving your BHAG, I’m here to help.