Sales Starts Again!

And whatever your position, like it or not, everyone in business is in sales.

So now would be a good time to remind yourself…


People buy for emotional reasons, not logical reasons, although they’ll often create logical reasons to justify their decision. And you’ve done this often.

For example, d
id you ever go out and buy a new pair of shoes when you had plenty already and your favourite pair just needed new heels or even just a good polish? But you bought a new pair because you just love new shoes and they make you feel good?

Maybe you justified your decision with logic on the basis that if someone saw your bright, shiny, and expensive new shoes, you would create a better impression.

Did you ever buy a new car when there was nothing much wrong with your current model, but the feel and smell of a new car really makes you feel wonderful?

Perhaps you justified your decision on the basis that a new, more expensive, luxury car, would impress your clients and they would be more likely to do business with you.

My favorite definition of selling, which I wrote over twenty years ago is this:
‘Selling is exposing companies and individuals to problems, some of which they never maybe knew they had, or thought were unsolvable, and to opportunities they maybe never knew existed, and showing them how your product or service can help them solve the problems or exploit the opportunities, and of course helping them to buy – in other words asking for their business’

They WILL buy when you can solve their problems and help them exploit opportunities. These are Emotional reasons. So, from now on, ask questions to find out where they are hurting, what problems they are having and what opportunities you have for them to make more money.  And show them how your product or service can help them achieve that.

You’ll make a lot more sales when you sell that way.

And one final and really important point on the subject of emotions. 

YOU need to be emotionally involved with your products or services. You need to love them, be passionate about them, be excited by them, and then you’ll naturally convey those emotions to your prospects when you’re speaking with them. And they’ll buy your emotions too.


Key Point: No Sales = No Business

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